Video Conferencing Software: A Better Solution for Virtual Meetings

Still, wondering why is it better to switch with free video conferencing software? If yes, then the below post will answer all your questions. Feel free to explore the content to learn more!  

Technology has brought a paradigm shift in the field of communication. It has provided the opportunity to connect with people from any corner of the world and at any time with ease. Companies nowadays are able to instantly connect with their clients and employees easily. This is only possible because of the lightning-fast ways of communication available today. For any business to grow, there must be a streamlined connection with the partners, suppliers, outsourcing team, and others. This is applicable for all whether it’s just a small firm or a full-scale organization.

Earlier, business meetings and conferences conduct where participants had to be physically present. However, things have changed drastically as such meetings and conferences can take place even with participants at different locations. video conferencing software is a great option that can be used to hold meetings with the least disruptions and in an efficient manner. Let us understand it more clearly.

Video Conferencing: Definition and How it works

Video conferencing refers to the process of face-to-face interaction of two or more people who is virtually connect through audio and video. There is no requirement to be in the same place and one could get the in-person experience.

A computer connection with audio and video facilities along with video conference software is a must for holding digital meetings. There are tools that will be required for a successful video conference such as:

  • Microphones and cameras
  • A built-in speaker, external speaker, Conferencing Phone
  • Fast and stable internet connection
  • VoIP Service Provider

5 Amazing benefits of video conferencing that you must know

From engaging with the staff working in a remote location to taking interviews of candidates, Video Conferencing provides many opportunities to businesses. Below are the 5 major benefits of video conferencing software and how it is proved to be an ideal communication tool for modern businesses:

  1. Highly-Efficient

In the world of business, time is of paramount importance and a second wasted is millions lost. In digital meetings, people can participate from their current location without commuting to the original place.

Well, imagine how many hours, money, and time would be wasted just to gather all the participants around in one place. Therefore, holding a virtual meeting is much more feasible and efficient than the traditional one.

If you are thinking that arranging can get expensive, then you are doing a mistake. Many third parties are in the market who provide free video conference software without compromising the quality.

  1. Bringing the team together

Many companies today have freelancing employees who work in remote and distinct locations. There could be employees working from home, or office staff in a different continent on a holiday, or even an outsourcing party who is separate vast distances. Arranging a video conference and bringing the team together during any spur-of-the-moment meeting can be highly fruitful.

On the top, video conferencing software offers by Prysm allow you to connect multiple devices without HDMI to showcase content relevant to the meeting.

  1. Better Productivity

When there is a small but significant change in the project that you need to inform other colleagues, who work from a different location. Either you can write an email to them and wait for them to see and reply by tomorrow or you could just connect with them instantly through a video conference and get things done quickly.

  1. Improves attendance rates

It is not an easy task to manage hectic schedules and bring entire staff together in actual meetings that require them to be physically present. One great benefit of arranging business meetings through video walls conferencing is that it gives the flexibility to the staff to be present virtually. This leads to an increase in the attendance rates and even records the discussions of the non-attendees.

  1. Helps in employee retention

A good work/life balance is crucial for the retention of employees. People tend to stay longer in the company that offers more flexibility to their working staff and this is exactly what video conferencing offers especially to the remote workers and freelancing workforce. You will still get enough time to stay connected with them virtually on a regular basis and help in working as one team.

Tips for Working Remotely as a Coronavirus Precaution

Teams are working remotely during this time as part of the precautionary measures that many hope will curb the impact of coronavirus. Although remote work flexibility has been a sought-after career perk in recent years, teams still need the right tools and resources in place to ensure they can adapt to new work-related challenges around collaboration, accessibility, and logistics.

The thing is, while some companies are using remote work, it may be a completely new way of working for others. And those companies that Are not use to remote work may not be ready to successfully change their work arrangements right away.

  1. Eliminate the need for meetings create a digital hub accessible to all team members At a time when face-to-face meetings are unrealistic or even impossible for some teams, a software solution that houses documents and tasks in one centralized, digital location can make working remotely more productive.

2. Build in new routines that involve checking in via video conference and team chat software Your weekly status meeting or 1:1s can be conducted as efficiently via video conference tools like Zoom. Collaborative work can also be hammer out through applications like Slack.

3. If employees require a VPN to access the company’s private networks remotely, make sure to set that up sooner rather than later.

Your teams may need to access your company’s private networks from home. Speak to an administrator about setting up a secure VPN, so no one misses out on important tasks while working remotely. This will also ensure confidentiality.

4. Make sure you have access to a strong Internet connection A spotty or unreliable Internet connection can be a significant challenge for remote workers. Ensure your Internet connection is solid and there is a contingency plan, if not.

5. Make use of collaborative software and cloud-based apps Working from home has become more efficient thanks to cloud-based tools that allow for collaboration and remote access to documents and assets. Make the most of these tools as your teams navigate changes to their work schedule and environment.

Choosing the Right Work Software Solution for Teams While Working Remotely

One of the challenges of managing and working within a remote team involves choosing the right software solution to increase collaboration and productivity. This is where Prysm’s visual collaborative solution comes into play.

Prysm Collaborative Solutions let you interact with remote staff via video conferencing software free call, and allow them to share content to your boardroom display, even when they’re not in the room. Remote staff can display their content, and allow the team in the boardroom to annotate, add remarks, and give feedback in real-time, (and vice versa) allowing for a truly collaborative effort.

Multiple devices can communicate to the main display at once, making it easy for various members of staff to show their content. Along with any footnotes or comments can be store as a file, and email to all participants, saving the need for a design at staff member to take minutes or notes, and send these around.

Prysm Collaborative solutions allow for planned meetings or ad-hoc idea-sharing. You can instantly link up a display in one place to a display elsewhere, and collaborate in real-time on an interactive whiteboard, or over the top of documents.

Final Verdict

Video conferencing with reliable software makes life easier for the employees as well as allows employers to run the business without any hassle. Instant and reliable connection are the reasons why it has become popular in the corporate world and has been widely used by organizations all around the world.

Moreover, if you are looking for free video conference software then, look no further than Prysm Systems. For all information, visit the website.
