Five Essential Tips For Building A Robust Security Operations Center

Security is more than just processes or tools. Achieving full-proof security can be easily possible if teams make effort in making a security operation center. This will not only keep your data safe and secure but also able to meet security needs in critical situations. Read this article and understand how you can build robust SOC without spending huge budgets.

 There is one hard truth you have to accept that it’s almost inevitable to stop all attacks or threats to your organization. No matter how great preventive security operations you have deployed, it will let you down eventually. Whether it's a malicious insider threat, next-gen or traditional threat detection system, something will crash the system.

This is the only reason why organizations are more interested to establish a dedicated and robust security operations center in the organization itself. A SOC is nothing but the face of a cybersecurity team that enforces and evaluates security policies and reverts to digital incidents. Certainly, it will drain out enterprises' staff, resources, and time, but will help you, in the long run, to fight against malicious threats & attacks.

Here are some of the most effective tips that will help to build your own security operations center.

  • Choose team very carefully

The SOC effectiveness basically relies on your chosen team. Ultimately, they are the ones who are responsible for determining which resources are needed and what keeps your system secure. Following capabilities must be in your selected team –

  • Managing & resolving incidents
  • Managing alerts and monitoring system
  • Detects or hunt threats
  • Analyzing incidents and propose action accordingly

For these tasks' accomplishments, they must be well versed with the hard and soft skills. The most important skills include malware detection & handling, reverse engineering, intrusion detection, crisis management, etc.

  • Enhance visibility

A system is successfully protected if your team is good at visibility. A SOC team must be aware of the system and data in order to protect it. Also, they must know who must be allowed to access the specific systems or data.

Having the ability to prioritize assets enables SOC-led video walls to distribute their limited resources and time. Clear visibility helps SOC not only to spot attackers but also to detect limited places where they can be hidden. It’s your SOC team that monitors the network & able to perform 24*7 vulnerability scans.

  • Wisely Select tools

 Having insufficient and ineffective tools can severely affect the SOC's effectiveness. To avoid such types of problems, choose tools carefully to match system infrastructure and needs. The more complex environment would be, the more important it has centralized tools.

If SOC employs the more discrete tools, information may be ignored or overlooked. If security members have to pull logs from different sources or access multiple dashboards, then it becomes quite difficult to correlate or sort through information.

Hence, it is advisable to select tools wisely after deep research and evaluation. Security products can cost you high and difficult to configure as well. It does not make any sense if you are spending money & time on a product that can't integrate with your interactive display system. So, when it comes to deciding tools, consider firewalls, endpoint protection, monitoring solutions, automated application security. There are many SOCs that make use of SIEM, that is, System Information & Event Management. These tools can provide you with security visibility and log management. SIEM is also very helpful in correlating data between automating alerts and events.

  • Developing a robust IRP

 IRP aka Incident response plan is a standardized plan to detect and respond to security incidents. It should include data priority, system knowledge, and security processes and policies. A well-crafted and robust IRP enables fast detection & incident resolutions. Several guides and templates help in creating an IRP. Using resources, one can assure that no aspect is missed in a plan. Also, it enhances the creative process.

Establishing your plan doesn’t mean you have to wait until an incident occurs. Your security operation team must be practiced using a plan with incident drills. In doing so, it improves response confidence when any incident in real-time occurs. In addition, it uncovers any inefficiencies, inconsistencies, and flaws in the plan. It’s the responsibility of SOC to keep IRP up to date as security processes, staff, and systems change.

  • Don’t Forget to add managed service providers

 Several organizations make use of MSPs as a part of SOC strategy. Managed services give you expertise that may be lacked in a team. These services confirm that systems are persistently monitored and events will provide an immediate response. Until multiple shifts are covered by SOC, constant coverage is something you can’t overlook. executive briefing center hence becomes essential for threat research or penetration testing. Certainly, these tasks are time-consuming & require significant expensive tools and expertise. Despite devoting a limited budget and time, SOC will benefit from collaborating or outsourcing with third-party teams.

What’s next?

 In the end, we can only say that creating a security operation center is daunting but not impossible. It just requires careful assessment, team dedication, and effort. Well, to make this possible, you can take help from Prysm Systems. We can help you in making your own SOC in no time. So, let’s make it possible and connect with our experienced team today only! 
