What Are the Types Video Wall Technologies: Which One Is Right for You?


When there are a variety of video wall technologies available, it can be challenging to choose the right one. This post aims to provide you a glimpse into some of the major video wall technologies. So, if you are unsure about these, then read carefully.

Since the emergence of video wall technology an abundant impact has been made on how information is conveyed and presented in different events and environments. video wall display works like a great multi-monitor setup for business conferences, educational settings, trade shows, and much more. These displays exhibit any sort of content on a broad screen using single or multiple inputs.

Typical displays include LCD panels, blended projection screens, direct view LED arrays, rear-projection cubes, laser phosphor displays, and so on. If you have ever searched for the ideal video wall display, then these are the potential options you might have come across. You might be wondering which option would suit you better for your purpose.

To help you get started, here is a specialized guide that can be extremely useful for you. Check out these amazing video wall display options and find information on their advantages and disadvantages, where they are used, and how they work. Before we get into this, let's begin by providing you a brief introduction to video wall displays.

What Is Video Wall Display and What Is It Used For?

Video wall displays have become common these days and they can be seen at various locations such as airports, unified communication, stadiums, cinema halls, control rooms, large public venues, shopping malls, etc. serving diverse purposes. These video wall displays have transformed the way how things are presented. If you lack knowledge regarding different video wall display types, then it's best to get educated about them first, so that you don't end up wasting your money on stuff that isn't right for you.

The reasons why people prefer using a video wall display rather than single large screens is because these displays come with exceptional ability to customize tile layouts, greater screen area per unit cost, and greater pixel density per unit cost, most importantly the cost of manufacturing single screens that are unusual in resolution, shape, or size. Let's get started on different kinds of video wall displays.

LCD Video Walls

An LCD is a flat panel display that is made up of a layer of liquid crystal between two sections of polarized glass. When it gets access to the electric current, the liquid crystals shift, enabling light to move through to form an illustration. These liquid crystals don’t create their own light. This makes backlights arrayed behind the glass to brighten the display. LEDs (light-emitting diodes) are the backlight that is utilized in advanced LCDs.

lcd video walls are formed from a tiled display of LCDs connected to a mounting system. There are broad assortments of mounting alternatives available which include wall-mounted, curved, freestanding, and even portable. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is one of the major display options for settings up your next video wall. The use of LCDs is popular invariants of electronic devices such as televisions, smartphones, computer monitors, tablets, etc.

For What Purposes LCD Wall Displays are Commonly Used?

· Control Room Operations

· Conferencing and Presentations

· Education and Research

Advantages of LCD Wall Displays

· LCDs offer high-resolution and display texts, images, and videos in absolute detail.

· LCDs are considered extremely reliable and can operate 24*7 with no downtime.

· LCDs don’t require high maintenance as it comes with long lifespans and minimal power consumption.

Direct View LED Video Walls

These are commonly known as “LEDs.” Direct View LEDs have emerged as one great new option for indoor video display. This technology has been in use for decades. The LED display is made up of hundreds of small LEDs attached to a flat panel. These small LEDs work like miniature light bulbs that blow coloured light when they get access to the voltage. The full-colour pixels are created with the clumps of red, blue, and green LEDs and a complete image is formed.

What Are the Common Applications of Direct View LED Video Walls?

· Control Room Operations

· Large Scale Signage and Architectural Displays

What Are the Benefits of Using Direct View LED Video Walls?

· LED video walls are the best solution for areas that require significant ambient as it offers the highest brightness in display technologies.

· These displays are reliable and can endure different humidity and temperature levels.

· There are no bezels in LED display video walls and can form a completely seamless visual experience.

Blended Projection Systems

Blended projection systems are the ones that merge the multiple projectors' outputs to form a high-resolution image. These systems are capable of displaying images on any surface of different sizes and shapes. The blended projection system simply overlaps two or more projected images and constantly cross-fading their sides to create a single, coherent image. These are designed with front or rear projections.

When we talk about the rear blended projection system, the projectors are set behind the screen in an embedded room. These projectors throw light straight onto the screen, or onto mirrors that then throw it onto the screen. On the other hand, in the front blended projection system, the projectors are installed in front of the screen surface and throw light straight onto it. Rather than tiling collectively multiple displays such as LCD or LED video walls, a blended projection system merges the output of different projectors for creating a huge display surface.

Blended Projection Systems are Commonly Used For:

· Education and Research

· Simulation

· Architecture and Engineering

Major Advantages of Blended Projection System

· A blended projection system can produce an image on any kind of display, be it angular, spherical, or curved surfaces.

· These systems can produce high-resolution images on extremely big as well as small displays.

· A blended projection system is best to use for immersive huge applications such as simulation.

Final Thoughts

That’s all for now! We hope you got all the information you needed about the major video wall display conference technologies. Want to know more about these? Prysm Systems is a reputed company that brings you an advanced line of video wall display technologies. If you are still unsure about choosing the right one then, look no further. Get in touch with the experts to install the most ideal video wall display technology in your setting. Visit the website today for more details.
